Frequently Asked Questions

  • We are proud of our 100% record for data security and work very hard to maintain it across the whole business.
  • Our offices have been inspected by Cabinet Office and we are both GDPR and Cyber Essentials accredited.
  • Most organisations do not have the time or the resource to investigate as deeply and as far back as they would like to.
  • We have a patented solution, consisting of experienced people, tried and proven process & technology.
  • Typically, accounting system software may detect up to 30% of errors, therefore leaving 70%+ undetected.
  • We find recoveries that are not recorded in your accounting systems (supplier statement review)
  • We do 95%+ of the work and have many references to back that up!
  • Your involvement is simply authorising our claims and confirming when the money has been paid into your bank or value has been received.

Unlike many of our competitors we employ ALL of our staff, which means we can guarantee the quality of account management and levels of service. We also have dedicated VAT and statements teams. Our clients consistently tell us we find more and have less impact; we would recommend you follow up references.

  • With software you do 100% of the work.
  • The best specialist software will typically only pick up on average approx. 30% of errors we find, leaving 70%+ undetected.

We require ‘read only’ access to your purchase ledger and general ledger.

On many occasions the first items are confirmed within 48 hours of 1st contact with suppliers and repaid within a week.

We only invoice you for our fee once you have confirmed receipt of the recovered claim.

It doesn’t, we work as if we are part of your team, in a professional and sensitive manner.

In our experience and best practice recommends every 12 to 18 months.

Speak to one of our experts today